VieCPro-Team präsentiert sich auf dem 18. Jh.-Weltkongress in Rom, 3.-7. Juli 2023

Computer-based research on historical data has grown exponentially over the past decades, and the (long) eighteenth century has proved to be a testbed for cutting-edge research on the level of analysis as well as on that of resource creation. At the same time, developments happen at high speed and in many places simultaneously, so that maintaining an overview of projects, tools, methods and data resources becomes increasingly difficult, if not impossible.

Two Roundtables of 90 Minutes each will give

(a) an overview session, designed to present a broader public with the content, scope and setup of three flagship projects in the field (see below); these projects not only represent the DH culture of different countries and academic disciplines, but they also feature different types of data, based on different types of historical or literary sources;

(b) a “backend session” in which (1) the three projects briefly present their workflows and pipelines; (2) their technical and conceptual design; and (3), for the last half-hour, the floor is opened for remarks by other projects present at ISECS, and wanting to join the conversation.

The three participating projects are:

18thconnect (ASECS) is an online platform for the publication of (mainly) literary resources based on texts from the eighteenth century.

VieCPro (ÖGE18) is a prosopographical database dealing with the personnel of the Viennese court in the early modern period.

Der Deutsche Brief des 18. Jahrhunderts (DGEJ18) is a large third-party funded project aligning previous efforts at resource building in the field of early modern letter correspondence.

Save the Date and join us at the
16th International World Congress for Eighteenth Century Studies

Roundtable I: ISECS as a Platform for DH Convergence | Montag 03.07.2023, 11:30 bis 13:00

Roundtable II: ISECS as a Platform for DH Convergence | Freitag: 07.07.2023, 12:45 bis 14:15


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