VieCPro wurde bewilligt

Im März 2020 wurde unser Projekt „The Viennese Court. A prosopographical portal“ in einem hoch kompetitiven Auswahlverfahren vom Präsidium der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften im Rahmen der Ausschreibung Innovationsfonds „Forschung, Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft“  gemeinsam mit elf anderen Projekten für 2 Jahre bewilligt. 

Auszüge aus den beiden Gutachten: 

This is an important initiative that needs to be funded. The proposed effort can make available in a carefully designed and consolidated form data about the court that will be of great scholarly relevance. The proposal inspires confidence in the applicants; and the means budgeted are wholly reasonable. It is essential, however, that there will be a lasting structure for the management-curation-moderation of the data assembled, that makes possible extensions by (external) researchers.

The focus of historical interest is always the human being in its manifold references. Of course, all historical research depends on traditions and thus on historical sources. The proposed project will make this tradition accessible and available in the form of biographical data. The future portal will therefore be a valuable tool for such research. Existing projects, e.g. in the field of the research of courtly societies, of residential cities, or of urban communities will appreciate this valuable offer.

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